Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Last, Last, Last Day of Pre-K for Jessie

Ok, This is the LAST day of PRE-K for our Jessie boy . Next year he goes to Kindergarten. I am always happy to see my kids grows and learn new things but right now I am soooo sad cuz my Jessie is a "BIG BOY" now and I have no more babies. Its good in a sense but heartbreaking in another. I have seen tons of changes in Jessie these last few months. The biggest change I've noticed is he wants to sleep in his own bed and not with me and Paul.

Here is a picture of the two wonderful teachers who have taught, loved and enjoyed Jessie boy at school for the past 2 years. These two ladies are blessings and I am thankful that they were Jessie's teachers.


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About Me

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I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.