Friday, December 26, 2008

My "Big" Girls!

Guess Who These Two Beautiful Girls Are?

This is my Christine and my Alesha, until they are bad, then they are Paul's- Christine and Alesha. They Have Grown so fast. I remember when they were little like Rainey and Jessie!!!
Tomorrow we are going to the wedding of a very special girl named Brittney Reynolds. She is my son Matthew's age and I can't believe she is getting married tomorrow. Thinking about Brittney's wedding tomorow made me realize that one day, maybe soon, maybe not, it will be one of my girls or maybe even my son Matt!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Christmas Day 2008

Today was the first Christmas Jessie boy really understood. He seemed surprised when he woke up and saw all his presents. Rainey on the other hand was ready to tear into her presents.
The older kids got money for Christmas and it was spent way before Christmas day. Paul and I buy ourselves "gifts" throughout the year so there was no need to give each other gifts, but we did, I gave him an electric shaver so when he kisses me and the kids it is "smooth" and he gave me a "girly" tool set so I can do my own repairs around the house.

Vern and Barb (Paul's brother and sister in law) who live nearby invited us to their house for Christmas Dinner. Barb is an awesome cook, she made an AWESOME meal. She is so good to us! After dinner we drank Pina Coladas and Strawberry Daquaris and played dominos. They played dominos, I played Mickey Mouse Memory with Jessie Boy and Rainey cuz dominos is too complicated for my small brain. Mickey Mouse Memory was just perfect!!

Christmas was a success once again! I hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas Day!

About Me

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I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.