Monday, March 30, 2009

Sad Times In Hillsboro, Illinois

I have been very sad since Thursday, March 26 when I heard the news that two young Hillsboro men Adam Matthews and Kyle Meyer both 21 years old were killed in a car accident. Matthew my son is 21 and went to school with these boys and the thought of them dying just brings me to tears. I have cried on and off for the past 5 days. I did not know the boys personally I only know them because they were customers at the bank I work at and had short conversations when they came in.
I wanted to ask their parents if I could take pictures of them at the visitation before people arrived and then at the gravesite but I was too scared to ask. This may seem creepy or strange to some but I have to say that in a previous post I mentioned my father died when I was 9 months old and I never knew him but someone took pictures of my mother at his casket and it somehow brings me comfort. I see the love she had for him in those pictures, I see her pain and her loss. We also have pictures of my father in law at his funeral and those pictures are very hard to look at sometimes but I also find comfort in them also. I like having pictures of the last time we saw him. It is a very emotional time(funeral) and you forget so many things during those days, it all seems like a blur and having pictures helps you remember all these years later. Not to mention, my father in law was cremated and we have his ashes in our house and Jessie and Rainey always ask about him. We show them pictures we have when he was alive but we have also shown them the funeral pictures. I dont have pictures of my grandparents funerals but thats because there was no way I could hold my camera still. I was devastated. I wish someone would have taken pictures.
I cried today when I read the article about the 23 year old boy who killed his two sisters ages 17 and 5. What kind of world do we live in? I hate death but I hate it even more when it happens to kids and young people who die like this. I cant imagine nor do I want to experience the pain their families are feeling. I have this HUGE place in my heart for them and will think of them and hope they will be ok. I hope the memories they have of their loved ones help them live on.
These horrible incidents make me realize how lucky I am right now, today to have my kids healthy and alive. It can all be taken away in just one day, in just one moment. I love you all!!!


Angelica said...

Well I didn't expect this when I clicked on your blog but I feel the same way. Actually, I'm TERRIFIED of car accidents. I hate traveling on the interstate, although a deadly accident can happen just about anywhere. I will NOT let my kids go out of town with anyone else. And I hate when we leave the kids and go to Edwardsville or Springfield. I know that life can be taken in an instant and it is always in the back of my mind.

I definitly feel for their families and I've been praying for them.

christine Arredondo said...

i love you too. :)
i was happy that you updated but kind of sad after reading.....

About Me

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I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.