I was wondering if someone could give me some tips on proper phone etiquette? I think I am lacking in that area. Why, You ask? I do not carry my cell phone on me 24/7. I have a cell phone so that if one of my kids or Paul is in an accident or has an emergency they can reach me. I do like to call people and have people call me and just talk BUT I cannot talk on the phone when I am DRIVING, SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES, COOKING, CLEANING, DEALING WITH MY KIDS OR GRANDBABY OR WHILE I AM AT WORK OR SLEEPING (almost forgot that one). When people call and I dont answer they are like pissed off and I dont think they should be? Is it mandatory to answer all calls? should I shut if off when I cant talk? I usually put my phone in my purse when I leave the house and on the kitchen counter (downstairs) when I am home. I do not have it on me 24/7. I have tried carrying it around with me at home and lose it, i leave it in the laundry room, bathroom, and i just dropped and broke my other phone and had to pay $138 for a new phone and dont want to lose or break it so the safest places are my purse or my kitchen counter. I have discovered that text messaging is cool cuz i can text and then put the phone down, do something come back after a bit and text again.
The reason I am posting is because someone left a pretty crappy message last night on my phone about "answer my phone call", someone I dont care if I talk to and guess what, "you aint the boss of me" and I was taking care of Landon baby, Jessie and Rainey!!!!! NO TIME FOR PHONE CALLS AT THE TIME!!!!!! I just think if i dont answer its because I cant at the time. Is that a crime? I am thinking about changing my cell phone #. So am I an ass for thinking like this? Paul thinks so but Paul is awesome when it comes to answering his cell phone. Just tell me what you think, I would like to know if I am an idiot.
i dont even know what to say....you never answer your phone and when you do you're always distracted doing something so it takes forever to have a conversation. but i cant really say anything because i never answer my phone either so...maybe you should just learn to respond to people better when they call/text.
Wow! That sucks! I'm sorry that someone left you a crappy message. I like phones but sometimes I think they are almost an invasion of privacy and definitly an interruption device. You're a busy person so whoever it was that left you a crappy message needs to just realize that and get over themselves. They aren't the only person that you have to worry about (listen to me, ranting and raving about someone I don't even know. maybe I should stop now ;)
On a lighter note, I hope you had a good Easter =)
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