when Jessie boy has had enough of me and my camera. He was trying to play and I kept asking him to stop for a minute and smile for me. Well he finally had enough and said "put your camera away!" When I saw this picture on my computer I immediately asked Paul "who does this remind you of?" PATRICK FOR SURE!!!! He always has this look on his face!!!! Anyone Agree??? Sissy, Matt, Alesha, Dora what do you think? Huh? Huh? Comments Please!!!
hahahahahahahaha. oh my god.....that looks exactly like patrick. that is so funny....and weird.
ps. im glad you are posting more often because it gives me something to do. :)
Hey Vita! Here I am, looking at your profile AND commenting...You take GREAT pictures! Hope you have a Happy Birthday tomorrow! If I don't see you, picture me singing the song to you!
When are you going to update this thing? Huh????
pretty late I'm sorry... yes he does pat's mini me...
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