Monday, April 26, 2010

Art & Carla Ford Wedding


I photographed my friends wedding this weekend. I have only had time to edit one photo and thought I would share it.

I took about 500 shots, I had 2 cameras with me. My external flash died half way through the wedding so I was happy when the sun came out and we were able to go outside for a few shots.

Can you feel the LOVE ????


christine said...

i LOVE the picture. carla looks beautiful!! :)

Angelica said...

Love that shot!! Nice job!

About Me

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I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.