Hello Friends !!!
I just got back from visiting Paul in Florida. I went alone, no kids, which was sort of strange but WAY Fun. Paul treated me like a princess the entire time. I didnt have to cook, clean, make beds, pay bills, NOTHING just sit enjoy the weather, eat and drink !!! Pauls friend Brian and his wonderful wife Kelly were our hosts. They let us stay in one of their houses and THEY cooked for us and made us drinks and kept us company. They ARE the bests hosts ever but the GREATEST friends any one could ask for. THANK YOU BRIAN AND KELLY FOR BEING SO WONDERFUL !!!!!!
Brian is wonderful too. He took us out on his boat, not just any boat a kick ass boat. It was a wonderful vacation I wanted to stay forever but my kids were here and I had to come home. They did offer to fly me and the kids back June 13 !!!
I didnt take many pictures, I was enjoying just being free for a few days but here are a few of our fishing trip.
awesome! so jealous! I look forward to the day Brandon and I take a trip minus kiddos =)
the water looks so beautiful. im so happy you had a wonderful time. :)
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