Jessie boy woke up on Tuesday April 21 with Fever so I had to call in sick at work. I thought he just had alittle something and he'd be better tomorrow well tomorrow came and he STILL had fever so I called in sick at work again, I apologized to my boss cuz one day is okay but two days is crazy, next day (thursday) He woke up with no fever so I called work to let them know I would be there. WHOOPPEE.I got up took a shower and put on makeup. What a great feeling to be clean!! I hadnt taken a shower for 2 days, (gross, i know but i was home with a sick kid, who needed a shower?). I got to work at 11 am and the school called at 2pm to tell me Jessie had a 104.5 fever and needed to go to the doctor!!! OMG I was freaking, I called the Dr. office they said have him there at 2:30 and give him tyenol ASAP!! I ran home got his medicine got to school and my baby boy was in bad shape he was really sick. The school nurse was very sweet. She was worried he could have a seizure cuz his fever was so high. I have 5 kids and none have ever had that high of a fever. I hauled ass (like 80 MPH, seriously)from Hillsboro to Coffeen then from Coffeen to Hillsboro. I got Jessie to the Dr. at 2:26, guess what he has a VIRUS, $70 later, still has fever and I spent the rest of Thursday and Friday at home with my boy Jessie and he STILL has fever. Im giving him IBUPROFEN like the Dr. said. I have been home ALL WEEK and have done NOTHING, NOTHING except lay around with Jessie. My boy is all better this week and I am sooooo happy for him.
1 comment:
I know how u feel I spent 7 days with Destiny and then when I was ready for work there goes TJ I was out of work for 11 days!!!!!!
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