Today I read an article about a woman in Ohio who had a face transplant. Her husband shot her in the face with a shotgun and disfigured her face something terrible. A group of doctors and a loving family whos female relative died donated her body and this womans face was used to restructure the other womans face. A small child once called her a monster because of how she looked. I cant imagine how hurt she must of been. This story just touched my heart. It made me realize how selfish I am sometimes. I am soooo lucky to have MY life, my kids all healthy, a husband who loves me, a great house, nice cars, food to eat daily, a job, friends and family. Sometimes we forget all the things we have, it seems like we always want more and more and more and some people have nothing. This poor woman had no face, no nose no mouth. She hadnt eaten or tasted food in years.
So I guess what I am trying to say is unless you are missing your FACE or some crazy shit like that, be grateful for what you have, Live Life, Be Happy, Love, Don't sweat the little stuff, it will all work out. Be happy with who you are!