Lorena competed in the 2009 Junior Miss Firecracker on the 4th of July. She originally wanted to do it because the thought of winning a trophy and tiara just excited her so much but when we had to go do a group picture for the local newspaper she cried, she was scared when she saw all those people there with their kids then a few weeks later we had rehearsal and she cried and said she wasnt gonna do it. The day of the pagent she did GREAT! Her dad was there and I think that makes a world of difference. I think she feels stronger and invincible when her dad is around. I have always thought that all the kids feel like that when their dad is around. Here is a picture of her after she got her tiara, trophy and a necklace with a crown on it. We are all so PROUD of her. GOOD JOB LORENA!!!!!!! Thank you FCB for sponsoring her!!!
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