Friday, January 29, 2010

I Showered With.....

my PEPSI. I always jump in the shower and hurry to get done but tonight I took a LONG HOT shower with my pepsi and it was a great feeling. No one else except me and my PEPSI, I was in Heaven, then I ran out of hot water:(. Oh Well there is always tomorrow.


Angelica said...

You're a nut! =)

Alesha said...

well, i would rather hear about your pepsi shower than you and dads shower...if you guys even do that anymore...omg sick!
go look at my blog!

About Me

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I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.