Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Angelica This One's For You!!

Hi Angelica,
So you think you have OCD? What do you think of this picture? My living room looks like this whenever the kids are home (all the time) and I ask myself WHY??? Do they have to play in the living room? They each have a room where all this stuff belongs so WHY do they need to drag it into the living room? WHY?WHY?WHY?
Thought you'd like to see that your living room isn't the only one out of control.


Angelica said...

Ha! That's a good mess but I think I can top that, probably tomorrow. We'll see.... I actually cleaned my house today but it won't stay that way for long. And I made Aliyah help me!

I hope your day got better!

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahaha i love how rainey has all of her pillows lined up on the couch.

About Me

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I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.