Saturday March 27 was my 41st birthday. I didnt do much on THAT particular day except go to Litchfield and eat at the Chinese Buffet, thanks to Becky. She took me and the kids out to eat. THANKS BECKY !!!BUT on Wednesday (I think) Christine bought me a card, red hots,a hershey bar with almonds(my fav),some socks to make a project Ive been wanting to try but to cheap to buy socks and some photography props(baby blocks to be precise). I got so excited cuz when you have had as many birthdays as I have you kinda start losing interest in the whole birthday thingy. Any whoo, Thursday March 25 my coworker and friend Emily (who loves me)bought me a hershey bar(again, my fav)and baked me a chocolate cake and brought it to work for all of us to share!! Wasnt that nice of her?? Then on Thursday night my Bestest Bud BJ made me dinner, I say she actually hosted a dinner party in my honor because Grandma Nancy, Krista, Terri and BJ were in attendance. And they all gave me presents too! Oh Crap I felt like a little kid again.
Here are some pictures of my birthday surprises (except for the hershey bars, I ate those immediately)
Hope all of you have an AWESOME Birthday in 2010 !!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL !!!!!