Living in the country has taught me to adjust regarding some things I took for granted. I am a very forgetful person these last few years. I go to the store and forget half of the stuff I went for OR I forget the list at home or in the car. Anyway living in the country, although we only live 2 miles from town it seems like 20 miles. If I forget sugar, then in the morning I have to use brown sugar (if i have it) or no coffee at all, I cant just run back into town like i did when we lived right in town. I have also learned to eat fresh vegetables. Friends have been giving us lots of vegetables this year and normally i would give them away but being that i usually forget to get vegetables at the store(dont know why???) i have learned to cook what people give me. I have learned to cook cabbage on the grill, cabbage cooked in bacon grease, yes bacon grease, it is the bomb!! I learned to eat and like butternut squash and cauliflower. I was telling Becky (my sis- in law) how i was learning to cook and eat all this new stuff and she said 5 years ago i could not have got you to eat all that stuff. Oh!!! I also learned to cook on the grill, with charcoal, not gas. Ive impressed myself since May.
Just wanted to share my new experiences with ya'll. Oh yeah, we say "ya'll" in the country!!!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Landon Baby 6 months
Additions To Our Family........

Paul, Matt, Jessie and Pat were gone ALL Day yesterday and when they came home they came home with these....... puppies. We already have Snuffy (great pyrense), Quintin, Nadia and Sawyer (chinese cresteds), Eve (chihuahua) and now 2 new mountain feists??? cant tell you their names yet cuz everyone is calling them by a different name. They have very good temperments, so far anyway.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 1989- August 2009, 20 Years Later

Hey There Friends,
I just realized that this year is 20 years since I have been with Paul. WOW! 20 Years!! In 1989 I was 20 years old, wore a size 2, already had Matt and Christine. Now in 2009 I have 3 more kids, a grandson, wear a size 6 ( but on the verge of being a size 8!). It is amazing how time changes us. There are many versions of "How We Met" , dont ask Paul cuz his version is a lie!!!!!
Here is a picture of me and paul 20 years ago and me and paul now.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hopley Family Reunion
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About Me
- Vita
- I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.