Friday, February 27, 2009


Hello Everyone!

It's been a while since my last post because we were busy having a baby. Well, Alesha was having a baby. He was born on February 20, at 8:04pm, he weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. Alesha's delivery was 6 hours from start to finish. She started feeling contractions around noon but when she told me she was having them she was laughing so I had to go home to take a shower just in case she had to go to the hospital. Well around 1:30 I called her and said are you really having contractions and she said yeah I think so. I told her to come home so I could keep track of them, so she said make me a sandwich and I will be there in a minute. When she got here and started eating she was making funny faces so I asked " are you having one?" she said "I think so" so I was confused I said " are you or not?" she started crying. The contractions were 3 to 5 minutes apart so I figured if she was having some she surely would know it. I apologized and explained that in order for me to keep track I had to know if she was having them or not. I called the Dr and asked if I should take her to the hospital and they said "yes". So we headed to the hospital at around 2pm. Things were good, real good, I thought they were gonna send us home cuz she was smiling and laughing. They didn't send her home. They hooked her up to the monitor and said it was a go! After a few hours of light contractions they asked her to get up and walk alittle, well she went to the bathroom and it was all over from there. She came out of the bathroom and said "I can't walk, it hurts too much", shortly after that they came in and gave her an epidural? (however it is spelled) an she was good to go.

I couldn't stand to see her in pain so I hid in the bathroom, I was freakin' out!!!!!! Christine and Paul were at her bedside cheering her on! They were awesome!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I thought I would be posting pictures of Landon by now but NOPE, he's not ready!! Alehsa goes to the Dr. today so lets see what he says.
To celebrate Rainey's birthday we took her and two of her very special friends to eat lunch at Olive Garden and then to Build A Bear. I cannot believe the amount of people that were at Build A Bear! It was nuts!!!! Rainey and the girls had a GREAT time and she had fun with her friends. I must say Rainey doesn't miss going to school but she misses the girls. I try to have a friend come over every week or let her go play with a friend once a week. This week she got to go to her cousin Kennetts bday party at the bowling alley AND she got to play with Aliyah for a few hours on friday.
Here are pictures of Alyssa, Rainey and Brookelyn.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why A Blog?

So, my family and friends have asked me WHY do I have a blog? My response "because I have nothing else to do with my time." Yeah Right! I Wish. My main reason for this blog is to share my life experiences with family and friends. Yes, I could call them and repeat the same thing to each of them every time something happens OR they can just read my blog and post a comment if they really care (as you can see, I don't get many comments) . I also want to post pictures of my family. Do you know there are very few, I mean like 10 pictures of me when I was a kid and only 1 of when I was a baby?! What a shame cuz I bet I was cute! (HEEHEE). So that got me thinking even more about my life and who I am and how I got to where I am. I have blocked or just simply forgotten A LOT of my childhood. Is it because I am going to be 40 this year and you start losing your mind at 40? Well I don't know but I decided that I am going to start writing about my life (as much as I can remember) on my blog along with new experiences that happen to our family. Here is a picture of me now, 45 days before I turn 40. I am thinking about telling people I'm like 46 so they can tell me I look good for 46. What do ya think? Should I ?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I just wanted to update my family and friends.

Alesha is still pregnant, we have no baby yet. Her due date was changed to February 18, because of the 1st ultrasound she had. I said to her "big deal 2 days early" she said" 2 days is a lot " that's true, I forget how those last few weeks are the longest.

We (the family) think it will be any day now. She is big and round and her belly is hard. I think he is ready to come out. My advice to Alesha was take Castor Oil and Orange Juice it will put you in labor if you are ready but she said "NO" the doctor told her not to do any of that crazy stuff her friends and family recommend, he (Landon) will come out without that craziness!!!! I guess I am glad she is patient because I was not and I took the Castor Oil and Orange juice when I was pregnant with Alesha and it worked. I had horrible cramps and diarrhea the next day but I wasn't pregnant anymore.

I am hoping for a Valentine's Day baby and I hope she goes into labor during the hours of 6am to 10pm but we'll see. I will keep you posted!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Jessie boy is a handful! Any of you that have known me since Jessie was born have heard me say he is HIGH MAINTENANCE but he is a funny little guy. He has been telling me for a month or so that he has a girlfriend so when I ask "what is her name?" his answer "I don't know", I ask" where does she live?" he says "far far away". Keep in mind that he is only 3.5 years old. Tonight we were going out to eat so I told him to get dressed so he went into the dirty basket in his room and picked out a dirty shirt I told him "no" you have to pick out a clean shirt so I left the room and didnt pay anymore attention to him until we were eating and I noticed he had on the dirty shirt from his dirty laundry basket. Another thing he did tonight, I took my dog Sawyer to the vet tonight and got eye cream ($20) for an eye infection she has and guess what? Jessie took the tube of medicine off the table and used it to POLISH a trophy Matt has in our office!! I could go on and on about Jessie Boy but I won't I will just say that Jessie keeps me busy but I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH! Here is his Valentine's Day card. We think its pretty cool!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today is Lorena's 7th Birthday!!! YEAH!!!

I had to work today from 11 to 5 so I didn't get to spend the whole day with her but I went to IGA at 7am (it was cold out there!) and bought her 7 balloons and a small cake. When she woke up this morning she had all 7 balloons (pink and purple) in her room. When she came downstairs we showed her the cake and gave her the card we bought (with money in it). I had to leave to work so dad and Alesha took over. Paul took her to eat at the Mexican Restaurant and then Alesha and Lorena went SHOPPING!!!. They went to Briar Rose (consignment store in Litchfield) and Wal Mart. We had already been to Threads (another consignment store in Hillsboro) on Monday so they didn't go there.

Anyway, Lorena had a wonderful birthday!!

We are celebrating with her sister Christine and her friends Alyssa and Brooklyn on Saturday. Our plans are to go to Build a Bear in the mall, shop alittle and go eat at Olive Garden.

Here is a picture of her today and I will post more pictures later.

About Me

My photo
I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.