Hello Everyone!
It's been a while since my last post because we were busy having a baby. Well, Alesha was having a baby. He was born on February 20, at 8:04pm, he weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. Alesha's delivery was 6 hours from start to finish. She started feeling contractions around noon but when she told me she was having them she was laughing so I had to go home to take a shower just in case she had to go to the hospital. Well around 1:30 I called her and said are you really having contractions and she said yeah I think so. I told her to come home so I could keep track of them, so she said make me a sandwich and I will be there in a minute. When she got here and started eating she was making funny faces so I asked " are you having one?" she said "I think so" so I was confused I said " are you or not?" she started crying. The contractions were 3 to 5 minutes apart so I figured if she was having some she surely would know it. I apologized and explained that in order for me to keep track I had to know if she was having them or not. I called the Dr and asked if I should take her to the hospital and they said "yes". So we headed to the hospital at around 2pm. Things were good, real good, I thought they were gonna send us home cuz she was smiling and laughing. They didn't send her home. They hooked her up to the monitor and said it was a go! After a few hours of light contractions they asked her to get up and walk alittle, well she went to the bathroom and it was all over from there. She came out of the bathroom and said "I can't walk, it hurts too much", shortly after that they came in and gave her an epidural? (however it is spelled) an she was good to go.
I couldn't stand to see her in pain so I hid in the bathroom, I was freakin' out!!!!!! Christine and Paul were at her bedside cheering her on! They were awesome!