Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Angelica This One's For You!!
Hi Angelica,
So you think you have OCD? What do you think of this picture? My living room looks like this whenever the kids are home (all the time) and I ask myself WHY??? Do they have to play in the living room? They each have a room where all this stuff belongs so WHY do they need to drag it into the living room? WHY?WHY?WHY?
Thought you'd like to see that your living room isn't the only one out of control.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It's been a week since my last post and many things have happened since then but the most drastic thing that has happened is that----We withdrew Lorena from Public School, yes WE did. As with most things this was a "FAMILY" decision, Me, Paul, Christine, Matt, Alesha and Lorena had input in the decision. WHY did we do this you might be asking? Well thats a long story but I am very happy that we made this decision. Do you know anything about the homeschooling laws in Illinois? I know all about them now.
I feel a freedom like I have never felt before. It is hard to explain. I look forward to having such a large roll in Lorena's education with noone standing over me judging me.
I will keep you posted on the progress.
Oh! Two other important topics everyone keeps asking about:
Alesha is fine, no baby yet, she is starting to get tired, emotional and still hungry about every 2 hours. Baby weighs about 4.5 pounds and they expect he will weigh about 6 pounds at birth
Paul will be home Thursday Night. Yeah! (Jessie is really, really, really, really missing him) he will be here until after Alesha delivers little Landon baby.
Saturday, January 17, 2009

I AM GOING CRAZY!!!! My kids haven't gone to school since wednesday, they are full of energy. Rainey is USUALLY pretty good. She is old enough to understand when I have had enough BUT Jessie Boy on the other hand has NO CLUE when enough is enough. Jessie is super active from the time he opens his eyes, no wait he is a restless sleeper soooo the nights can be restless for mom and dad too. When he gets up he wants chocolate milk so I get it but guess what I cant seem to get it in the right cup, ever! so i have to change from the spiderman cup to the superman cup! He has changed his clothes at least 4 times today, make that everyday when he is home! Here is a picture of him in his latest attire. If he wasn't so cute he wouldn't get away with all he does. His big brown eyes just do me in!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Well, we're in a New Year and I am not sure if that is good or bad. Every year (at least for the last 2 or 3 years) I say " This year I am going to lose 5 pounds and I am going to work out so I look good in shorts" but now this year I have to lose 10 pounds cuz I never lost the first 5 pounds and now I have gained 5 more!!! Let me be honest, you are my friends right? I went to the doctor a week ago. Do you know how much their scale said I weigh? 148 pounds. That is fatter than I have ever been (besides being pregnant those 5 wonderful times). My scale says I weigh 140 pounds ( I way like my scale better). I do have a treadmill that is AWESOME, it even has preset weight loss and cardio programs on it, I can't do ANY of them because they are all for like 30 or 45 minutes at like 4.5 speed, with like 3 or 4 incline and that would kill me. I have been getting on and walking/jogging 1 mile, it burns 160 calories but the last 2 days I have been eating Oreo Cookies so I think I am defeating the purpose. Maybe I should do it twice a day and I would even out the damage? What do you think? I have been going easy on the soda. Paul always tells me to drink diet soda but I hate the taste, I'd rather just give it up so I am trying slowly. Well when summer comes along and I'm still fatter than I'd like to be then I'll be wishing I had walked on that treadmill and renewed my membership at Fusion.
I love sweets so it doesn't help that Christine loves to bake. Whenever she comes home she makes all kinds of good sweet stuff like tonight her and Rainey made Rice Krispy Treats, who can resist Rice Krispy Treats? Not me, No way I gotta have some.
I love sweets so it doesn't help that Christine loves to bake. Whenever she comes home she makes all kinds of good sweet stuff like tonight her and Rainey made Rice Krispy Treats, who can resist Rice Krispy Treats? Not me, No way I gotta have some.

This post is for all my family and friends that are calling to check up on Alesha. Mostly my family and our friends in Florida. (Sorry I havent been calling back) Everyone wants to know if she is showing now. Well here is her picture taken 01/01/09, you tell me. Can you tell she is pregnant now? She is due next month. She is getting nervous but is very anxious to meet her son, Landon David.
I will keep you all posted on her progress. I will be taking my camera to the hospital.
PS. I did ask Alesha for permission to post this picture.
Friday, January 9, 2009

This is Alyssa, Lorena's friend. They have known each other since Pre-K (a long long time since they are now 1st graders!) Lorena loves Alyssa but in Kindergarten they were not in the same class so they kinda drifted apart now in 1st grade they are back together again.
My kids never have friends over. One reason I am usually too busy, with what? I don't know but too busy. Alyssa is really good when she comes over, she helps keep Lorena in line. She is always so well behaved so I can't say NO when she asked me if Alyssa can come over. I fear the days when Jessie realizes he can have friends come over cuz 2 boys are gonna drive me NUTS! Jessie is always beating us up and doing karate on us, thats what 3 year olds do! He always wants to be the leader and he always has to WIN.
Today it was Lorena's turn to bring Brown Bear home from school. I sure hope my dogs dont eat his eyes out. They love to do that to all the stuffed animals. I think I would be in trouble! Anyway here is a picture of Lorena, Brown Bear and Alyssa.
Thursday, January 8, 2009

I love to see my kids getting along and NOT fighting (which happens alot, the fighting I mean). Yesterday Jessie and Rainey FINALLY went back to school and they both brought home some books to read. When Matt was in school he hated to read, we had to bribe him with stuff just to get him to read or pay attention at school SO when I saw him reading to his little brother I just had to have a picture. Matt is 20 and Jessie is 3 and Jessie thinks Matt is the bestest brother!!
Friday, January 2, 2009

Well I hope the new year was good for all of you! As for me and my family we had a great New Years Eve. I have heard that the way you spend your New Years Eve and New Years Day is how you will spend the following year. If that is true we will be spending ALOT of time at home and at work. New Years Eve we spent at home on the couch with the kids. Rainey was showing her dad all her makeup and ponytails and lipglosses. It was so cute. Dad was telling her which "shiney lip stuff" he liked best and she was LOVING her dads attention. I don't blame her she always has to share her dad with Jessie boy. And on New Years Day we spent the entire day working at our shop. We are getting it ready for Alesha to start her new business in there. What business you ask? That, I will post very soon.
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About Me
- Vita
- I am 43, married to a wonderful man, mother of 6 children ages 23 years old to 6 years old and a grandmother of 4. On a daily basis I MUST have coffee in the morning. I'm learning to enjoy some "ME" time. But LOVE my family with all my heart.